


A. 目的陈述书

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College District is an educational institution provided and maintained 由华盛顿州的人民. 学院设施主要是预留的 教育用途,包括但不限于,教学,研究,公共 assembly of college groups, student activities and other activities directly related 对学院的教育使命. 这所大学的公共性就是如此 不授予个人无限制的许可证,使其从事限制; interferes with, or otherwise disrupts the normal activities to which the college's 设施和场地是专用的. 因此,学院指定的共同 areas of the college as a limited public forum dedicated to the use of college groups, subject to the time, place, and manner limitations and restrictions set forth in this policy. 被邀请或允许参与第一修正案的团体或个人 activities at the college do not represent an endorsement by 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 或者是董事会.

本政策规定的时间、地点和方式的目的是 为学院设施的使用建立程序和合理的控制. It is intended to balance the college's responsibility to fulfill its mission as a state educational institution of Washington with the interests of college groups seeking 聚集在校园的公共区域进行表达活动. 学院认可 that college groups should be accorded the opportunity to utilize the facilities and 充分利用学院的场地. 学院已指定 如本文所述,某些网站作为公共使用区域向非大学团体开放.

B. 定义

大学组: means individuals or groups who are currently enrolled students or current employees of the college, or guests of the college who are sponsored by a recognized student 组织、员工组织或学院的管理.

学校设施: 包括所有建筑物、构筑物、场地、办公空间和停车场.

富有表现力的活动: includes, but is not necessarily limited to, informational picketing, petition circulation, the distribution of informational leaflets or pamphlets, speech-making, demonstrations, rallies, appearances of speakers in outdoor areas, protests, meetings to display group feelings or sentiments and/or other types of assemblies to share information, perspective 或观点.

是非大学组: 指目前未注册的个人或个人组合 非本校正式附属之学生或在职职员 or associated with, or invited guests of a recognized student organization, recognized 员工组,或学院的管理.

公共用地: means those areas of each campus that the college has chosen to open as places where non-college groups may assemble for expressive activity protected by the First Amendment, 受合理时间、地点或方式的限制.

C. 使用设施和场地

  1. Subject to the regulations and requirements of this policy, groups may use the campus 晚上8点之间的表达活动有限的论坛.m. 10便士.m.
  2. 任何扩音装置只能在不干扰的音量下使用 或干扰教室、办公室或实验室或任何以前的正常使用 预定的大学事件或活动.
  3. 请团体不迟于以下时间通知校园公共安全部门 在事件发生前24小时. 但是,允许发生计划外的事件 so long as 事件 does not materially disrupt any other function occurring at the 设施.
  4. All sites used for expressive activity should be cleaned up and left in their original condition and may be subject to inspection by a representative of the college after 事件. 可向主办机构收取合理费用 特别清理或修理损坏财产的费用.
  5. 所有的消防,安全,卫生或特别规定的活动 遵守规则.  学院不能也不会提供公用事业连接或连接 根据本政策进行的表达性活动的目的.
  6. 事件不能 be conducted in such a manner to obstruct vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian 或其他交通堵塞或以其他方式干扰进出学院,或 大学建筑或设施,或大学活动或事件. 事件 must not create safety hazards or pose unreasonable safety risks to college students, 大学的雇员或受邀者.
  7. 事件不能 interfere with educational activities inside or outside any college building or otherwise prevent the college from fulfilling its mission and achieving 它的主要目的是为学生提供教育. 事件不能 实质性侵犯大学生、职工或其他人员的权利和特权 被邀请去大学.
  8. 不得在学校设施或场地上过夜露营. 露营的定义 to include sleeping, carrying on cooking activities, or storing personal belongings 供个人居住,或搭建帐篷或其他遮蔽物或构筑物 用于个人居住的.
  9. College facilities may not be used for commercial sales, solicitations, advertising 或促销活动,除非:(a)该等活动服务于教育目的 of the college; and (b) such activities are under the sponsorship of a college department 或办公室或正式特许的学生社团.
  10. 事件 must also be conducted in accordance with any other applicable college policies 以及法规、地方法令、州或联邦法律.

D. 非大学团体的额外要求

  1. 非学院团体可以租用学院建筑、房间和运动场 按照学院的设施使用政策. 租用大学大楼时 or athletic fields, an individual or organization may be required to post a bond and/or obtain insurance to protect the college against cost or other liability in accordance 与学院的设施使用政策. 当学院允许使用时 its facilities it is with the express understanding and condition that the individual 任何损失或损害由本组织承担全部责任.
  2. 是非大学 groups may otherwise use college facilities for expressive activity as 在本政策中确定.
  3. The college designates the following area(s) as the sole limited public forum area(s) 供非大学团体在校园进行表达性活动使用:
    1. 公共使用区域可能会被安排. 计划组的使用优先级高于未计划组 组:
      1. 在学院的皇冠8868会员登录校区,有限的公共论坛位于西侧 在Van Tassell大楼前的校园喷泉旁.
      2. On the Omak campus, the limited public forum is located on the north side of campus 位于北教学楼后面的花园旁边.
    2. 更多信息请联系行政服务副总裁.
  4. 是非大学 groups that seek to engage in expressive activity on the designated public use area(s) are encouraged to provide notice to the campus public safety office no later than twenty-four hours prior to 事件 along with the following information solely to ensure (1) the area is not otherwise scheduled and (2) to give the college 评估任何安全需求的机会:
    1. The name, address and telephone number of a contact person for the individual, group, entity or organization sponsoring 事件; and
    2. The date, time and requested location of 事件; and
    3. The nature and purpose of 事件; and
    4. 预计参加该活动的人数.

E. 物料分布

College groups may post information on bulletin boards, kiosks and other display areas designated for that purpose, and may distribute materials throughout the open areas 遵守WVC的政策.180、物料分发. 是非大学 团体只能在非学院团体指定的地点分发材料. The sponsoring organization is encouraged, but not required, to include its name and 地址上的分布式信息.

F. 侵权行为

  1. 是非大学 groups who violate these rules, or whose conduct jeopardizes the health 或他人的安全,将被告知具体的违反性质,并 if they persist in the violation, will be requested by the campus president or designee 离开学校财产. 这样的请求将被视为撤回许可证 或进入或停留在大学设施的任何部分的特权 被要求离开的人或一群人,并使这些人服从 根据RCW 9A的刑事非法侵入条款逮捕.52或市政条例.
  2. 不遵守规定的大学社区成员(学生、教师和工作人员) with these regulations will be reported to the appropriate college office or agency 按照既定的大学政策采取行动.
  3. When the college revokes the license or privilege of any person to be on college property, temporarily or for a stated period of time, that person may file a request for review of the decision with the vice president of administration or designee within ten days 收到非法侵入通知. 请求中必须包含个人的理由 不同意非法侵入通知. 非法侵入通知将在…期间有效 任何审查期的结束. 行政副总裁的决定 services or designee will be the final decision of the college and should be issued 五个工作天内.

策略联系人:Administrative 服务

000.200 政治活动及政策
000.210 宗教活动政策
000.300 调查和言论自由政策
000.330 不歧视 & 骚扰政策
200.180 物料分发政策