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The ctcLink project is the implementation of a centralized system to give faculty, 学生和教职员工获得现代化的功能和更有效的指导方式 业务. The 仁科 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system provides an integrated 软件体验使我们的许多业务流程在标准化的基础上流线化 平台 at all 34 community and technical colleges in Washington state.

MyWVC / ctcLink 学生资源     ctcLink 员工 资源

在ctcLink中,实现、转换和验证指的是加载的过程 data from the old legacy systems to 仁科 (ctcLink). The conversion process involved 确定必须带入新系统的数据,并将数据映射到仁科 字段,将旧代码转换为仁科代码,最后加载干净的, compatible data into 仁科.

该项目由SBCTC项目组牵头,目前还在努力配置中 the system to work across all the colleges.

各种ERP模块涵盖了我们的核心流程,如注册,课程管理, payroll, human resources, financial aid, financial 服务 and reporting. 一旦实现, all students and employees use this new system.

 ctcLink System Overview


Three pilot colleges (Spokane Community College, Spokane Falls Community College, and Tacoma Community College) went live with ctcLink in August 2015. 经历了一段坎坷之后 start, ctcLink has gone through multiple rounds of improvements and upgrades.

皇冠8868会员登录谷学院于2021年2月8日开始使用我们的ctlink配置 (for employees) and February 22, 2021 (for students).

我们旧的(称为Legacy)管理系统(SMS、FMS和PPMS)已经过时了. Washington State Community and Technical Colleges implemented the Legacy system in 1979. After over 40 years, these systems presented a serious failure risk. 数据库 and reporting 工具 in use were no longer supported. Considerable effort was needed 为了保持陈旧的系统的运行,努力不断地成长和成为 more expensive every day. 在那里 was no ability to improve or upgrade that system.

ctcLink项目是整个社区和技术的巨大飞跃 colleges (CTC) organization. While there are many benefits both large and small, here are a few highlights for faculty, staff 和学生:
  • 身份号码 -学生和工作人员有一个单一的电子记录,只有一个身份证号 to all 34 colleges.
  • 招生 Application 未来的学生有一个入学申请程序,无论何时何地 they decide to attend.
  • 金融援助 Process - New and returning students have a single financial aid application process.
  • Student Monitoring Tools -学生可以监控他们的“获得学位的时间”,导师可以审核整个过程.
  • 课程目录 - 学生 have access to a centralized catalog of courses.
  • Single Electronic Record - 教师 and staff have a single electronic record with one ID number.
  • 流动性 - 访问 to information from any device (smartphone, tablet, or computer) anytime 或在任何地方.
  • Modern 皇冠8868会员登录 Tools -  Designed with an intuitive and customizable user experience across the entire 平台.
  • 标准化 - Common processes to provide an efficient and effective experience.

金融援助 System (FAS/FAM): The 金融援助 System that administered and managed financial aid 服务. 这 transitioned to 仁科 Campus Solutions (CS).

Financial Management System (FMS): 管理和管理财务和会计的财务管理系统 服务. 这 transitioned to 仁科 Financial Management (FIN).

工资/Personnel Management System (PPMS): 工资/人事管理系统,管理人力资源和工资 processing 服务. 这 transitioned to 仁科 Human Capital Management (HCM).

Student Management System (SMS): 学生管理系统,管理和管理所有的学生和课程 related 业务 functions. 这 transitioned to 仁科 Campus Solutions (CS).

一些3rd 使用这些后端系统数据的第三方软件或本地应用程序 were also replaced in the process. These include, but are not limited to, Degree Audit, Instructor Briefcase and TLR (time and leave reporting).

The reporting 工具 (DataExpress/By Request) were replaced by 仁科 reporting 工具. Each college identifed and trained a core group of subject matter experts (SMEs) to work with the SBCTC and other colleges to develop the required reports. 工作人员和 faculty have access to run reports as required by their assigned duties.

由于ctcLink实现只转换了小窗口的数据,访问不了 the legacy data is provided on a read-only basis.

ctcLink实施计划转换了任何活跃学生的所有注册数据 within a six-year (prior to October 2019) period. Personnel and payroll data was only converted for the previous two years.

遗留系统被置于只读模式,并可通过遗留系统访问 software for a time that is yet to be determined. While staff have access to the data after Go Live, they are unable to alter it in any way. When all colleges have been 迁移(目标为2022年)和新系统稳定,遗留系统将 是日落. The legacy data will be available, however, through as yet to be determined methods for reporting purposes.

这取决于你在大学里的角色——如果你使用的是Legacy系统(比如FMS), SMS, PPMS或FAM),您将学习一个全新的输入系统和过程 and accessing information online. Those who didn't use the Legacy system on a daily basis saw changes too, such as the addition of online workflows for certain tasks 而且,对于每个人来说,新的皇冠8868会员登录工具的附加好处是访问和管理个人信息 记录.


ctcLink is made up of three main working systems or pillars; Campus Solutions also known as (CS), Financial Management (FIN) and Human Capital Management (HCM). 在那里 各个模块之间的大量交互是一个单一的支柱,但是 there are also interactions and reporting between pillars. 这 topic will introduce 您对三大支柱以及这些支柱如何融入SBCTC实施 仁科.



Supports all Student 政府 业务 processes. 这 replaces the student 管理和财政援助系统(SMS, FAM和学位审核),以及提供 integration for self-service through mobile technology. 金融援助 and Student Financials processes also work out of the Campus Solutions pillar. CS consists of the 后:

Academic Advisement

Academic Structure Helps manage academic plans, groups and organizations.
招生 and Recruiting Helps plan, manage and track admissions and recruitment activities.
校园社区 使管理和维护广泛的传记和人口统计 information on people and organizations of interest to institutions, both internal 和外部. Includes Managing Communications, Comments and Checklists (3C's).
Continuing 教育 帮助整合分析,促销/豁免代码设置,产生营销和 宣传材料和通讯,以及继续课程的新生入学 教育.
Curriculum Management (Course/Class) Manages schedule of classes and prepares the course catalog.
金融援助 Automates federal and institutional financial aid processing for a more efficient 操作. It provides flexibility and helps manage financial aid activity for applicants 和学生.
Student Financials 使您的机构的学生财务信息的管理和计算. Calculates tuition and fees, bills customers, and issues refunds. Provides functionality enabling the set up of payment plans for students and implementation of automated collections process. 集成了 with the general ledger to properly track and allocate institution's debits and credits.
Student Program and Enrollment (Student 记录) 允许您输入、跟踪和处理课程目录中的所有学术信息 and schedule of classes to student programs, plans and sub-plans. 包括转移 信贷.
Self-Service (学生) 使顾问,教师,学生和工作人员查看和更新信息. Allows students to pay tuition and register for courses. 也 assists advisors, faculty and staff with job duties.

提供支持金融业务流程的功能,并替换现有的 财务管理系统(FMS),以及提供重要的附加功能 in Supply Chain Management (采购). FIN consists of the 后:


Provides functionality for creating vouchers, matching those vouchers to purchase orders, and posting payments.

Accounts Receivable 允许您输入和跟踪收入,张贴到客户帐户和应用付款.
资产管理 Add, maintain and retire assets. Used to budget for assets, adjust or transfer them, and calculate depreciation. 也 used to manage physical inventories and archival.
计费 Help create and manage bills and invoice customers. Will create potential receivables and generate accounting entries that eventually post to the GL.
预算 能够评估业务选择,设定财务目标,进行基于场景的操作 what-if analysis, prepare budgets, and adjust to changing economic environments. 创建 forecasts and tests assumptions and scenarios. 
现金管理 用于管理银行交易(如电子资金转帐)和计算 现金头寸.
费用 Used to process travel authorizations and cash advances, generate expense reports 以及后期付款.
总分类帐 Core of financial system. Each of the other FIN 模块 can create accounting entries that eventually feed into the journals which are then posted into the appropriate GL ledger using Chart of Accounts.
Grants/Projects/合同 赠款是用来帮助计划,管理和跟踪赠款活动,创建预算和 创建提案. Projects is used to define project schedules and activities, capture various costs such as those arising from procurement or time and labor. 合同 is the primary module for dealing with contracts; from proposal to award. 赠款和 projects both feed into contracts.
采购 Used to prepare requests for quotes, purchase orders and procurement contracts. 也 allows for change orders, reconciliation, and receiving and returning items.

支持人力资源业务流程,取代现有的人事和 工资单管理系统(PPMS),以及周围提供的附加功能 recruitment and talent management. In addition, online employee self service is provided. HCM consists of the 后:

Absence Management 使组织能够自动化计划和补偿支付的过程 and unpaid time off for employees. Seamlessly integrates with 时间与劳动 and 工资 模块.


全面的福利管理解决方案,支持全方位的福利计划 制定计划,并提供维护福利记录和回应所需的一切 to inquiries from decision makers, managers, and other employees.
教师的工作量 使您能够监视选定的教学和非教学工作负载 faculty, instructors, and staff.
人力资源的核心 员工信息初始设置区,包括工作数据、个人信息; position data, compensation maintenance for step increases, and union information.
工资 Engine that calculates gross to net earnings, deductions, and related taxes. 集成了 with other 模块 (HR, Time & Labor, 总分类帐, Projects, Recruiting, and Compensation) to coordinate a wide range of salary, reward, and expense payments.
Self-Service (Employee/Manager) 使员工和管理人员能够审查、添加、更新、删除、提交批准; and/or approve changes to personal absence, leave and payroll information.
TAM (Talent Acquisition Management) Advanced applicant tracking system that is designed to expedite the hiring process.
时间与劳动 Provides complete control over tracking employee 时间与劳动. 也 integrates with HR, 工资, and Project Costing 模块, allowing you to access and use employee and payroll information.